Increase Gmail security


Gmail is one of the most used email services worldwide. It is important that the security of our email is high, since we keep a lot of personal and professional information in most cases. Have a Strong and secure password is important, but it is not enough.

To improve the security of our account, we will show you a series of tips to increase the strength of your Gmail

Enable two step verification
Having two-step verification activated is one of the most important steps to make our account truly secure. This verification assumes that every time Gmail detects that they have tried to enter our account from an unknown device, they will send us a text message or make a voice call to the number that we indicate in order to access the account through a code.

Step 1

In order to activate this option, we have to go to this page and have our email account open.


Step 2

The next step is to select the phone number where we want to receive the data.


Step 3

Once the number has been entered, we will receive a text message or we will receive a call with the code that we must enter.


Step 4

Once this data is entered, Google will inform us that those computers or devices that we indicate as safe, will not require the verification code when you log in.


Finally you will ask us to confirm this operation and voila, we will have our account ready.


Security Alert Settings
Setting up security alerts is another of the most important steps in having a truly secure account. This configuration is used in the case where someone outside of us managed to enter our account, to be able to receive a notice with this information.

In order to activate this option, we must go to this section of our account and verify that both the security risks you record and other activity of the account will be notified by mail or text message.


Connected devices and applications

If we want to verify which devices have been connected to our account to be able to detect if any of those reflected in Gmail is unknown to us or it is not we who have accessed it, we can find out from this link.


Connected applications

It is interesting that we also check which applications we have connected and linked to our account. Many of the times we add extensions or give permissions to applications when they are not really necessary.

If we want to manage all these permissions to eliminate any that we think we should not have linked, we can do it from this section.


Account Recovery Settings
It is important to have the account recovery options configured (alternative email and telephone ), in order to access it in case of remembering the password or other problems. In this section, we will also be able to see if our personal data is correct and other information.


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All these privacy configuration steps will not take us too long and will be very important to protect our mail. However, it is convenient that we add a trusted person to our account so that in the event that we could not manage it, there is someone who is responsible for deleting it or performing the relevant actions.