Fill in PDF and include signature from Adobe Reader



Many times we have received a PDF form or some other document in which we wanted to include text, but we could not or have not known how to do it. If this happens to us, we have probably chosen to print it, to later edit it manually and scan it so that it would be digitized again.

What we are going to show you next, is the solution to this problem. Through a few simple steps, you will be able to enter text directly from the Adobe Reader application itself . In this way you will be able to fill in any form you need, include any annotation in a document or sign it if necessary.

Include text in PDF
The steps we must follow to include text in a PDF file are very simple.

Step 1

First of all we have to open the Adobe Reader application or download it in case we didn't have it.
Step 2

The next thing we should do is locate our PDF using the file menu.
Step 3

When we have our document open in the application, we have to go to the right, to select its "Tools".
Step 4

Within the Tools tab, we have to look for the "Forms and signatures" section and select the "Fill and sign" option .
Step 5

Again we will return to our document. At this time we must click on the place where we want to add the text.
Step 6

If we want to sign the document, we will find this option at the top. We must click on this icon.
Step 7

If what we want is to add an annotation, we have to click on the “Tools” again and select in this case the option “Review and approve” - “Comment” . Here we will be able to use a series of options such as underlining or marking what we believe is convenient.